
CHSP的历史、使命 & 愿景


现在比以往任何时候都重要, we recognize that health is much bigger and more complex than simply treating disease. Health impacts every facet of life, from the economy to education. At newbb电子平台's 卫生科学与职业学院, we’re one of the nation’s largest health-focused colleges. 但更重要的是, our innovative approach to addressing health -- what affects it, 谁提供的?, 以及如何改进它——是件大事.

我们教学生要想得更远大, 同时不忽略细节, so they can build practical solutions that meaningfully improve health outcomes, from the front lines of a major city trauma unit to the most remote corners of Appalachia—one person and one community at a time.


  • Our experiential and interdisciplinary philosophy means CHSP students learn to treat and optimize health through many lenses, readying them for a career path as tomorrow’s best nurses, 社会工作者, 营养师, 体能训练师, 物理治疗师, 医院管理人员等.
  • 作为人口健康领域的领导者, 我们拥抱社区伙伴关系,建立协作, scalable solutions capable of meeting the era’s biggest crises and challenges.


  • We 服务 我们的社区(大大小小的).
  • We 解决 世界上最大的健康问题.
  • We 成功 in training the next generation of health care professionals.


  • An interdisciplinary, collaborative approach to research and academics
  • 注重农村卫生保健
  • 向服务不足的人群提供外展服务
  • An emphasis on reflecting and promoting diversity in health settings
  • 参与全球健康教育和问题

Why Choose the 卫生科学与职业学院?

无论是在教室里还是在社区里, 在图书馆或实验室里, the 卫生科学与职业学院 (CHSP) will challenge you at every turn—teaching you to think critically and act boldly, and preparing you to take the knowledge you gain here out into the world, 它能在哪里为大多数人带来最大的好处.

自1979年成立以来, the 卫生科学与职业学院 has been known for the quality of its academic programs and the success of its graduates. 超过8个,500 students are enrolled in more than 40 academic programs housed in our six schools and departments. 每一天, these students work with outstanding faculty members who are committed to achieving excellence in education and scholarship.

而我们最悠久的历史在我们的雅典, 俄亥俄州, 校园, 我们的足迹遍布全球, with students having studied or engaged in clinical work at sites in Africa, 亚洲, 欧洲, 南美和北美. 每一天, our students engage in innovative and insightful learning activities, 激励研究, and dynamic clinical work with underserved populations in southeast 俄亥俄州, 横跨整个州和国家, 在世界各地.

CHSP是一个创意引领创新的地方, 今天的学生在哪里成为明天的专业人士, and where commitment and caring benefit our communities and the people who live in them.


  • The college houses three of the four 研究生课程 at newbb电子平台 that are ranked among the top 50 in their fields, 根据 U.S. 新闻 & 世界报道 排名.
  • newbb电子平台治疗协会记录了超过10例,000 visits per year by southeast 俄亥俄州 residents needing hearing, 语言和物理治疗. At the same time, it provides clinical experiences to dozens of students in those majors.
  • The School of Nursing's online RN-to-BSN program was ranked #5 in the country for 2015 by 最佳大学评论.
  • The Athletic Training Department is the only department in the nation offering a professional degree, 在线运动训练博士, 以及儿科运动训练住院医师.
  • The first-time pass rate of our graduates on professional licensure exams surpasses 95 percent.
  • The Master of Health Administration program is rated as one of the top online MHA programs in the nation.
  • Our 校园里的孩子 program enrolls more than 700 local youth each year in its afterschool and summer programs.

The 卫生科学与职业学院 is a place where exciting things happen every single day. 你是否有兴趣 本科专业研究生课程 或者一个特定的 部门或学校单位 within the college, we can help you gain the skills you need to make a difference in the world. 



As you explore the history of the 卫生科学与职业学院, the connection between past and present — between tradition and innovation — is clear.


1979年希尔达·理查兹被任命为院长, the newly formed College of Health and Human Services began a long tradition of innovative thinking. 理查兹, newbb电子平台's first female dean and its first black dean, understood that the 护理 college needed to grow and added several new programs including physical therapy and health administration. 在她的领导下, the college quickly grew to encompass a broad range of programs across many disciplines.

左图: 创始院长希尔达·理查兹


In 2001, 学院搬进了格罗弗中心的新家, a state-of-the-art building redesigned specifically for the college. 该设施, 这里最初是俄亥俄州的篮球馆, 现设有21间教室, 24个实验室, 健身综合体, 咖啡厅和无线网络遍布整座大楼.

In 2008, the college expanded into the world of online education with its Master of Health Administration degree. 今天, 5人以上,000 students are enrolled in online degree and certificate programs in health administration, 护理, 全球健康和临床信息学. 随着2010年的学术重组, the 卫生科学与职业学院 refocused its core mission on health and well-being, positioning the college as a national model for health professions education, scholarship and service across a wide array of disciplines. In 2011, the Social Work program moved into the college, joining other health-focused disciplines.

今天, the 卫生科学与职业学院 includes more than 100 faculty and staff members and more than 8,000名学生——未来还会有更多的增长. In 2014, college leaders broke ground on a new facility at the newbb电子平台 都柏林 Integrated Education Center in central 俄亥俄州, which now serves as the home of the physician assistant practice degree, the combined master of science and dietetic internship program, the doctor or 护理 practice and other programs across the health spectrum.